Navigating Life’s Obstacles: The Art of Persistence and Resilience

Da Vinci's notebook
6 min readSep 5, 2023



Are you tangled in one of those bewildering days where you feel like you’re starring in a real-life, chaotic version of the game “Whac-a-Mole”? Where, no matter how hard you try, you smack one problem down, and two more annoyingly pop up? Welcome to the not-so-exclusive club! Now, let’s dive headfirst into the nitty-gritty of how to keep those pesky moles of life in check — or better yet, recruit them to be your loyal, ever-so-diligent minions.

The Mystery of Human Resilience: A Not-So-Tragic Comedy

Life’s hurdles can sometimes feel like an uninvited kick in the pants, right when you’re least expecting it. Just when you’ve convinced yourself you’ve mastered the intricate art of “adulting,” life saunters over, smirking, and says, “Hold my craft beer, you amateur.” I mean, imagine yourself as Frodo Baggins en route to Mordor, and seemingly every orc, venomous spider, and ring-obsessed Gollum clamors to RSVP to your ever-so-exclusive pity party.

So, what’s the deal with the psychology of resilience, you ask? Well, according to Angela Duckworth, the brilliant mind behind the bestselling book *Grit*, resilience is not just about sheer willpower. It’s about an unfaltering passion and perseverance for your long-term goals. Think of it as binge-watching your favorite TV series, but with a slight twist: you’re binge-watching your life ambitions unfold.

The Nuts and Bolts: How Does One Become Resilient?

Most people falsely believe that resilience is some divine gift bestowed upon the chosen few like Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, and yes, even Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Newsflash! Resilience is less a mysterious, inborn talent and more of a honed skill. A skill you can cultivate, much like my expanding collection of corny dad jokes.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Ah, psychologists and their ever-charming love for acronyms! CBT tops the charts when it comes to mental health MVPs. This therapeutic approach is all about rebooting your mental game by readjusting your thoughts and actions. Picture your brain as a high-tech computer. In that case, CBT acts as an ultra-efficient antivirus program, hunting down and eliminating the mental malware that keeps you locked in a cycle of hopelessness. Yes, it might sound like geek territory, but remember, even Tony Stark needed a software update now and then.


Have you ever gone down the rabbit hole of trying to teach a stubborn cat to fetch? Yeah, it’s about as fruitful as screaming at a wall, hoping it’ll move. That’s where self-compassion steps in. As popularized by Dr. Kristin Neff, self-compassion is not about being lax or lenient with yourself. It’s about treating yourself with the same unwavering kindness and understanding you’d extend to a dear friend — or a defiant feline.

Growth Mindset

Coined by psychologist Carol S. Dweck, the concept of a growth mindset revolutionizes how we view challenges. It shifts the focus from fixed capabilities to the malleable skills, intelligence, and attributes that you can develop with a dash of dedication and a sprinkle of hard work. Think of it as the ultimate RPG: you might start as a Level 1 novice, but with enough grinding through life’s elaborate side quests, you’ll unlock a treasure trove of new skills, powerful items, and stylish virtual garments.

Real-World Examples: From Abysses to Zeniths

1. Abraham Lincoln: This iconic figure lost more elections than most people lose Wi-Fi signals, yet he rose to become one of the most transformative U.S. Presidents in history. If Lincoln had a life mantra, it’d probably be: “Fall seven times, rise and pass the Emancipation Proclamation on the eighth.”

2. J.K. Rowling: Before she penned the boy wizard into existence, Rowling was on the brink — financially broke, emotionally drained, and navigating life as a single mom. Yet, she persisted, scribbling away even when her audience comprised only her infant daughter. Fast forward to today, and she’s richer than Gringotts’ deepest vaults — and she didn’t even need a wand to make it happen.

3. Elon Musk: Musk, the real-world counterpart to Tony Stark, endured myriad failures, from the early financial debacles of Zip2 to SpaceX rockets going kaboom. Undeterred, he’s now sketching plans to make humanity an interplanetary species. Who knows, Mars might be his next recruitment center for minions?

The Resilience Toolbox: Your Personal Survival Guide

We’ve shared stories, dived into theories, and yes, even cracked some top-tier dad jokes. But now, let’s get down to brass tacks: how do we actually weave the fabric of resilience into our daily lives?

Mindfulness Meditation

Ever entertained the wild idea of attempting a handstand while juggling flaming torches? No? Brilliant — that’s an emergency room visit waiting to happen. But juggling your worries is a similarly dangerous act. This is where mindfulness enters the picture, like a serene Jedi guiding you back to the Force. Mindfulness whispers, “Pause. Breathe. Center yourself in the here and now, and let go of your anxieties about that looming work deadline.”

Stoicism: The Ancient, Yet Timeless Art of Chill

Stoicism, a philosophy championed by ancient luminaries like Marcus Aurelius and Seneca, serves as the original life coaching course. It’s like the ancient world’s equivalent to self-help YouTube. Stoicism encourages us to center our energies solely on elements within our control and relinquish our futile grip on the chaos that lies beyond — like whether your cat decides to enact a live-action drama by toppling your cherished vase.

Leverage Your Network: It Takes a Village

Your squad, your tribe, your circle of trust — no matter the nomenclature, these social bonds are your life’s backbone. Research has made it abundantly clear: humans thrive on social connection. So go ahead, share your challenges, laugh at them, or even shed a tear or two. Just remember, emotional sustenance is a two-way street. Be there for your crew as they are for you.

Full Circle: The Ripple Effect of Your Resilience

Here’s the magical part: resilience doesn’t just elevate your life; it uplifts society as a whole. Just picture a world brimming with resilient souls: overnight, our collective existence would become far more focused, far less reactive, and significantly more peaceful. It’s a win-win of epic proportions.

Wrapping Up: The Final Act

And here we are, at the culmination of our adventure through the labyrinthine twists and turns of life’s many challenges. It’s a bittersweet moment, akin to reaching the finale of your favorite binge-worthy series. But fear not, because just like those shows, the lessons, tools, and inspirations we’ve discussed can be replayed — revisited whenever you need a refresher in tackling life’s Rubik’s Cube of complexities.

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A colossal thank you to Lucid Reality, whose insightful article, “When You Lose Everything And Then Lose It All Over Again,” provided the conceptual backbone for this piece. Your perspectives on the cyclical nature of failure and triumph have made this deep dive into resilience not just possible, but profoundly enriching.



Da Vinci's notebook

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